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-FBB- Clan Details | Wot-Conquest | World of Tanks Global Conquest and Clan tracking
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Clan info

Gathered information from a clan.

Server: North America Server (NA), 3rd Campaign

[-FBB-] Força Blindada Brasileira Clan info

Basic information about the clan.

Clan colour:
Latest Daily Income:
0 Gold
Highest Daily Income:
1,200 Gold
Monthly Income:
0 Gold
Overall Income:
720 Gold
Latest Owned provinces:
Highest Owned provinces:
Clan Average Efficiency:
Clan Average WN7/8:
Successful CW fights:
CW Participation since:
2 Day


Actually owned provinces list.

Doesn't have a province.


All possible alliance displayed.

Doesn't have alliance.

Longest Province held

History, all streak displayed.

Doesn't have any streak.